
Peer-reviewed journal articles (from 2005)

Maxwell M, Briggs S, Chadwick A, Keenan A. Using time-limited adolescent psychodynamic psychotherapy in CAMHS; findings from an audit and service evaluation. Bulletin of the Association of Child Psychotherapists Spring 2019; 271: 20-23. View PDF: TAPP in CAMHS Evaluation

Briggs, S.,  Netuveli, G., Gould, N., Gkaravella, A., Gluckman, N.,  Kangogyere, P., Farr, R., Goldblatt, M., Lindner, R.,  (2019): The effectiveness of psychoanalytic/psychodynamic psychotherapy for reducing suicide attempts and self-harm: Systematic review and meta-analysis, British Journal of Psychiatry, Jun;214(6):320-328

S.Briggs & R.Lindner (2018) Therapeutische Arbeit mit suizidalen Jugendlichen Die psychodynamische Kurztherapie (TAPP). Suizidprophylaxe: Theorie und Praxis. 45 (4), pp. 125-133.

S .Briggs (2018) Response to Bob Hinshelwood, ‘Psychoanalytic Research: Personal Reflections’, British Journal of Psychotherapy, 34, 4, 555-561

S. Briggs & A. Whittaker (2018) Protecting children from faith-based abuse through accusations of witchcraft and spirit possession: understanding contexts and informing practice, British Journal of Social Work, Volume 48, Issue 8, 1 December 2018, Pages 2157–2175

S. Briggs, T. Slater, J. Bowley (2017) Practitioners’ experiences of adolescent suicidal behaviour in peer groups, Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 24, 5, 293–30

S.Briggs, M. Maxwell, A. Keenan (2015) Working with the complexities of adolescent mental health problems:  applying Time-limited Adolescent Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (TAPP), Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 29(4), pp. 314-329

M.Goldblatt, S Briggs, R Lindner (2015) Destructive Groups; The role of projective-identification in suicidal groups of young people, Britiosh Journal of Psychotherapy, 31, 1, 38-53

M.Goldblatt, S.Briggs, R. Lindner, M Schechter and E Ronningstam (2015) Psychodynamic Psychotherapy with Suicidal Adolescents, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 29, 1, 20-37

B Costa and S Briggs (2014) Service-users experiences of interpreters in psychological therapy: a pilot study, International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care, 10, 4, 231-244

S Briggs and H Hingley-Jones (2013) Reconsidering adolescent subjectivity; a ‘practice-near’ approach to the study of adolescents, including those with severe learning difficulties (British Journal of Social Work, 43: 64-80)

L Froggett and S Briggs (2012) Practice Near and Practice Distant Methods in Human Services Research,( Journal of Research Practice Volume 8, Issue 2, Article M9, 2012)

S Briggs, M Goldblatt, R. Lindner, JT Maltsberger and G Fiedler (2012) Suicide and Trauma; a case discussion (Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 26, 1, 13-33)

S Briggs and L Lyon 2011 A developmentally focussed time-limited psychodynamic psychotherapy for adolescents and young adults: origins and applications, (Revue Adolescence, no.76, 415-434)

S Briggs 2010 Time limited psychodynamic psychotherapy for adolescents and young adults. (Journal of Social Work Practice, 24, 2, 181-196)

R Lindner and S. Briggs 2010 “Forming Ideal Types by Understanding: Application to the Psychoanalytic Treatment of Suicidal Men” (Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/ Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627) Volume 11, No. 2, Art. 12, May 2010)

S Briggs 2009 Risks and opportunities in adolescence: understanding adolescent mental health difficulties. (Journal of Social Work Practice, 23, 1, 149-164)

L Froggett & S Briggs 2009 Editorial, Practice near Research, Special Issue, Journal of Social Work Practice, 23, 4, 377-382

S Briggs, L Webb, J Buhagiar, G Braun, A Trotter 2009 An Evaluation of Maytree, a short-term respite centre for the suicidal; implications for practice and prevention. (Suicidologi, Oslo,  ÅRG. 14, NR. 3, 26-29)

S Briggs, L Webb, J Buhagiar, G Braun. 2007 Maytree: A respite centre for the suicidal: An evaluation. (Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention. 2007 Vol 28(3) 140-147)

S Briggs 2006 ‘Consenting to its own destruction…..’ A Reassessment of Freud’s development of a theory of suicide (Psychoanalytic Review 93, 4, 541-56)

S Briggs, J.Maltsberger, M.Goldblatt, R. Lindner, G.Fiedler 2006  Assessing and engaging suicidal teenagers in psychoanalytic psychotherapy. (Archives for Suicide Research,10,4, 1-15)

J. Wright, S Briggs, J. Behringer. 2005 Attachment and the body in suicidal adolescents (Journal of Clinical and Consulting Child Psychology, 10, 4, 477-491)

S Briggs & G Ingall 2005 Editorial, Application of Infant Observation to Educational Settings, , Special Issue, International Journal of Infant Observation, 8, 1, 2-4

S Briggs & S Walker 2005 Editorial, Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 19, 3, 219-223